+91 120 4540 636

HR And Payroll System

HR And Payroll System

As a trusted partner, we consider ourselves an extension of your brand and operations


  • Add/Update Resume Banks by Job position, department,designation and applied method(direct,referral or by email).
  • Search resume by job position,department,designation,employment status(Fresher,Experience) and applied method(direct,referral or by email).
  • Make selection process as candidate or as employee from resume bank
  • Generate report of resume bank by status(waiting,as candidate,as employee).
  • Add/Update Vacancies by vacancy type(Temporary or Permanent),department wise,designation wise,job position wise,start date,closing and hiring manager wise.
  • Search vacancies by vacancy type,department wise ,designation wise,job position wise,hiring manager and between wise.
  • Generate report by vacancies wise vacancy type,department wise ,designation wise,job position wise,hiring manager and between date wise.
  • Add/update candidate by job position,department,designation,vacancy wise,applied method and status(Selected,Rejected and Waiting)and between date wise.
  • Search candidate by job position,department,designation,vacancy wise,applied method and status(Selection.Rejection and Waiting)and between date wise.
  • Generate report of candidate by vacancy wise,job position,department,designation,applied method and status(Selection.Rejection and Waiting)and between date wise

Human Resource

  • Add/update employee by department,designation and job position,Generate Employee Identification code,generate username and password.
  • Update employee personal details,employee contact details,employee emergency details,employee job history,employee salary,employee reporting person,employee qualification and employee bank information and employee immigration.
  • Search employee by name,mobile number,email,father/husband name,address,city,state,country,PAN no. Date of birth etc.
  • Generate employee report by job position,department,designation,between dates.
  • Generate employee report for PAN no.,mobile number,Address ,Date of birth,Bank Account,PF Number,ESI No,Emergency contact,job history and reporting person.
  • Generate employee report for joining letter,Bio-Data,Experience Certificate and Resignation Letter.

Employee Training

  • Add/update Training Content Heading and Training content,training content by required skills.
  • Search Training Content Heading by name and generate report,Training content by name,required skills and generate report.
  • Conduct training program after GAP analysis,invite employee to attend training program,training program add/update facility, invite multiple employee at atime.
  • Add/update Training Program attendance;generate report of training program with attended employee list.
  • Search employee with skill GAP by training content ,search training program by training content,search training program attendance by training content.
  • Generate employee report with skill GAP by training content ,report for training program by taining content,report for training program attendance by taining content.Report for balance employee with GAP by training content.

Employee Leave

  • Add/update leave type,leave priod ,holiday,assign leave to employee,leave calculation from date of joining.
  • Provision to apply leave by employee,leave approval by authorised person,search leave applied by employee,search leave approval by status(Approved,Rejected or Cancle),search applied leave by leave type,employee,department,designation and date wise.
  • Leave report by status(Approved,Rejected or Cancle),employee wise and leave type wise,between date wise.

Employee Attendance

  • Add/update employee attendance daily or monthly,import employee attendance daily or monthly from bio-matrix machine or excel file.
  • Finialize employee monthly attendance and process for salary generation.
  • Search and generate attendance report by employee wise ,department wise,designation wise or month wise

Employee Salary

  • Add/update employee salary,allowance,deduction,bonus and arrears.
  • Process employee monthly salary,finalize monthly salary.
  • Search and generate salary report department,designation,month,and employee wise.
  • Generate deduction report,ESI/PF/ITAX report bonus report,arrears report and loan/advance report.
  • Generate employee salary report month wise,bank wise,between dates wise.Generate salary slip employee wise,salary summary report.

Employee Appraisal

  • Add/update employee KRA,generate average for appraisal,review employee for appraisal.
  • Update employee record as per appraisal status,update employee job position,update employee designation and update employee salary.
  • Generate report employee wise,department,designation,job position wise.
  • Employee job history,employee salary history,reporting person history etc

Employee Resignation

  • Add/update employee resignation data,approval fron all departments,leave,salary,assets handover,employee contact after resignation,proper reason for resignation.
  • Search and generate employee resignation report,department wise report,designation wise report,job position wise report and monthly/year wise report.


  • Add/update product brand,make stock,check quantity available into stock,assign product to employee and manage product warranty
  • Search product issued to employee,department wise, designation wise and job history.
  • Generate assets report by employee ,department wise, designation wise and job history.

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